Those who have spent any time with me know of my enduring fondness for all kinds of dairy. Yet from time to time, I wander into “vegan” territory to attend to that preference. I was visiting a friend who was suffering from digestive distress, but doesn’t like dairy to the extent I do. So, I made her a vegan breakfast smoothie to help her rebalance her gut microbiome.
It’s pretty simple – blend the following ingredients:
1 quart Probiotic Cashew Milk
1 cup blueberries
1 small banana
1/4 cup chia seeds
1/4 tsp cinnamon
1 tbs raw honey
I have found mixing a good probiotic source like the probiotic cashew milk with prebiotic foods (blueberries, bananas, and chia seeds)to feed the good bacteria can help rebalance the gut super fast – much quicker than taking a probiotic supplement.